Golden Products

2014 Artist in Residence, Jessalyn Haggenjos

Group show opening in San Francisco at George Lawson Gallery
August 2, 2014
Women in the Dunes.

If you’re in San Francisco on Saturday, August 2nd, visit the gallery for the opening to see her work and meet Jessalyn! 5:30 to 7:30pm

The address is: 315 Potrero Avenue (at 16th). There’s easy parking right outside.

Jessalyn also has new paintings on display, and all the work in the show relates to borders, boundaries and transitional zones. The other artists in the show are: Judith Belzer, Justine Frischmann, Narangkar Glover, Nancy Haynes, Erin Lawlor, Marie Thibeault, Jennah Ward, Arngunnur Yr and Jenny Bloomfield.

Show ends August 30th.
