Golden Products

Jane James, Artist Talk at Golden Artist Colors

Please join us for a presentation by Golden Foundation  Artist in Residence, Jane James. The evening promises to be entertaining, informative, and full of marine anecdotes.

When:   Tuesday, May 10:  6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Where:  Golden Artist Colors, 188 Bell Road, New Berlin, NY

What:    Jane will talk about the influences of water on her work  and her research into “marine debris” which forms the subject of her   upcoming artwork.

jane.james.Lastrolabe-250_04Who:    Jane James is currently living and working in Australia, and received her degree in Fine Art from the University of Tasmania.  She has had a lifelong involvement with the sea and marine conservation. Years both in and under the sea have led to her fascination with water in all its aspects.  Jane will share her work via a power point presentation using images she has taken over the years, as well as her research into marine flotsam and jetsam, especially ropes and plastics, that travel to the shores of Australia from all over the world.


