Golden Products

New Show at the SAGG – “A Paintmakers Collection” 1936 – 1969

samshow2sm “New Show at the SAGG – “A Paintmakers Collection, 1936 – 1969 The story of the Golden Foundation can’t be told without recognizing the rich history and contribution to the art world of Bocour Artist Colors and the pioneering work of Leonard Bocour and his nephew, Sam Golden. The paintings and sculptures in this show were collected during a thirty year period by Leonard Bocour and Sam Golden beginning in 1936 through 1969 while the Bocour Artist Colors company produced paints in NYC. It is by no means exhaustive. Over 50 Artists, including; Peter Busa, Mimi Gross, Nathaniel Kaz, Ahron Ben-Shmuel, Alice Provensen, Herbert Katzman, Benedict Tatti, Joseph De Martini, George Constant, Nicolai Cikovski and so many others. This period show is a wonderful window sharing the visual legacy of the stories and epoch that was Bocour Artist Colors while it was in Manhattan. Over the years many other well- known artists’ works have been dispersed to museums and universities around the country. These remaining pieces in the show were part of Sam’s collection that have been, over time, given to the children and grandchildren.

So many of the artists in this show were connected to the Bocour Company via their connections from the National Academy of Design, The Art Students League, The WPA (depression era works project). But clearly their greatest connection was the incredible opportunity to be working and living near one another in the fastest growing and most vibrant art community in the world in New York City. Much of this collection is based on the generosity and friendships that Leonard and Sam had created within this community.

The show is currently up at the SAGG at the Golden Artist Colors facility at 188 Bell Rd., New Berlin, NY just across the street from the Golden Foundation Residency. The show will run through July, 2012. The Gallery is open from 8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.
